2023-12-11  Important info about opening hours during Christmas 2023!

Unfortunately, our ambition to keep the store open for orders until the 12th of December did not hold up. We have been forced to close today, the 11th of December, as we have received so many orders that we simply won't be able to pack and ship more in time for them to arrive before Christmas!

The consequences of all this work mean that our personal lives are also greatly affected, and in order not to completely collapse, we now have to stop accepting more Christmas orders.

The store is closed for new orders. Welcome back on January 2nd.

Depending on the amount of orders received before this date we may be forced to close earlier.

As many of you probably already have guessed, we have had a high number of orders recent weeks. We pack and ship as many as possible each day :)

Due to the high order intake, some orders may be slightly delayed. The shipping companies are also working at full speed right now and they may also have some delays. For example, think twice before ordering fresh bread.

When we close the online store, it won't be possible to place an order until we open again, but will of course ship all orders placed before our closing.


We will open the store again on January 2nd, 2024.